Experts in Water Treatment and Legionella
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News | Stenco

30 December, 2020

by Stencoadmin

Stenco was founded in 1960 by Mr. Francesc Martí and Mr. Josep M Martí, starting its activity based on a single product from an innovative Dutch patent throughout Spain for steam boilers for the textile sector.

During these 60 years we have been growing, developing new products, equipment and services for water treatment, expanding, innovating and diversifying clients in all industrial and service sectors, currently we are a 3rd generation national company, a leading company in its sector, offering products and services for the Analysis and Treatment of Water throughout its Integral Cycle and in the prevention of Legionella.

We have collaborated with more than 15,000 clients, we have developed more than 55,000 Water Treatment Plants and Equipment, we have carried out more than 25 million water analysis, we have trained more than 30,000 students and launched 4 editions of the STENCO book that is a reference in the water sector.

Currently, we are a company with more than 100 experts in Analysis and Water Integral Cycle Treatment and in Legionella Prevention; Our modern headquarters of more than 5,000m2, includes our own Engineering, Laboratories, Factory and Warehouses to be able to meet all the needs of our clients throughout Spain.

At present we are very happy, because despite the terrible pandemic this year, we have not suffered any case of COVID disease by our employees, our business model has not been affected and we have even been able to contribute to the prevention of the disease by carrying out specific disinfections against COVID in our clients’ facilities!!

Once again, we want to thank all our clients, suppliers, partners, employees and shareholders for their support and trust in the Stenco Project!!

🎥Watch 60th Anniversary video

The main magazines and the media have highlighted or published this milestone, because Stenco is currently the national private company with the greatest experience and knowledge, clients, recognitions and accreditations in Spain.

Look at Stenco 60th anniversary posts and interviews:

📲 Interview at Aqua España

📲 Interview on the WasteWater’s Portal

📙 Article in Tecn Aqua Magazine

📘 Article in iAgua Magazine

🎂 Stenco 60th Anniversary


21 January, 2020

by Stencoadmin

Stenco designed, built and implemented a Large Ultrafiltration (UF) and Reverse Osmosis (RO) Plant , for a customer located in the chemical sector, using as input river water with high turbidity and conductivity; and a treatment flow of 125 m3 / h. The Treatment Plant has 22 ultrafiltration modules and 120 membranes of 8”, treating water with 1,450 µS / cm and after the treatment process we obtain water with a quality of less than 2 µS / cm. The new UF + RO Plant allows our client to have water with the qualities and volumes necessary for their production increase, with a high degree of automation and safety in the new Treatment Plant.

15 March, 2018

by Stencoadmin

STENCO will be one of the sponsors of the XIV Environmental Health Congress organized by the Spanish Society of Environmental Health (SESA), to be held in Zaragoza, from June 21 to 23, 2017.
Stenco participates actively as a speaker at the technical table of the congress “The new Norm 100030: 2017 of Prevention and Control of Legionella”.

15 March, 2018

by Stencoadmin

After more than 2.5 years of intense work in working group no. 12 of UNE-AENOR’s CTN 100, on April 13, the UNE 1000030: 2017 Standard “Prevention and control of the proliferation and dissemination of Legionella in facilities” was published, replacing and canceling the UNE 10000: 30: 2005 IN Standard. We attach Technical article making a practical and outstanding summary of the main novelties and conclusions about the new Standard.

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You can contact our headquarters through:

(+34) 902 430 731


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